This page is updated regularly to show the status of current projects undertaken by AcuRapid. For some of our apps not publicly available for your test drive, please ask us for a private demonstration.
Last update: November 2014
We contracted with Altair Engineering in 2011 (and before that with Acusim Software in 2010) to develop CFDCalc. CFDCalc was launched in 2013, and we have upgraded the site since its debut. In 2014, we deployed CFDCalc Free service, and also deployed a new calculator called the Centrifugal Pump.
CFDCalc offers on-demand Computational Fluid Dynamics Calculators. Calculator is an online vertical application that provides a flow solution for a specific problem class. You specify the problem parameters on a custom web form; and in turn we create the model, mesh it, solve the flow problem (using AcuSolve™ software), generate a report, and provide the final report to you.
The site is a complex system utilizing Django as the web framework, generating CAD images per user specification, and solving the CFD problem and generating the final report on Amazon EC2. This is a SAS web site, where users simply register and start using available calculators.
2. TV Series Wiki & Social Sharing
TV Series Wiki is an ambitious project undertaken by AcuRapid. It enables any person to create and maintain any Tv Series in any country and published in any language. We will initially support English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish languages. The Wiki knowledgebase will include components as Seasons, Episodes, Actors, Cast Members, and Crew Members. Other components are Location, Music Themes and Attributes.
The Creator of a TV Series can invite Collaborators to help completing the Wiki. What differentiates TV Series Wiki from every application in this area is the ability of the fans to relate any information on the Internet to a TV Series as well as the components within that TV Series. For the first time TV Series fans can learn everything about their favorite TV Series.
AcuRapid developed a video access management system with complete user permission and subscription-based access control. The client is in the hospital philanthropy sector.
Boostrap 3 is used in the UI, and Django framework is used as the web application development. The database is MySQL. The application runs on a dedicated server running Ubuntu with Gunicorn+nginx as web application/web server components.
AcuRapid is developing an SAS-based web application in Localization management space. Any person in the area of localication/internationalization can sign up to TranLoc and create projects from which s/he can set up and manage PO files for various languages. Each project can use any number of translators for any given languages. The system allows the project owner to select the translated word from among the translators. Each PO file will contain the final element selections.
Optimo is developed by AcuRapid in-house. It is a response to our need to set up and manage Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for our client web sites. Any webmaster or in general any person in charge of managing SEO for a web site can use Optimo to organize SEO meta information and internal HTML tags for the pages within the web site. The User Interface is straightforward and easy to use. The system generates tag reports in simple-to-follow management reports.
Optimo comes with predefined meta tag definitions, but users can create their own meta tag libraries and assign them to their web pages. AcuRapid is currently working on integrating Optimo with AcuRapid's CMS called pyRoze. Next step, we will integrate Optimo with popular CMS applications.